ACER workshop on Draft FG on Interoperability Rules for European Gas Transmission Networks
Monday, 23 April 2012
ACER, Trg republike 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) invites all interested parties to attend a workshop during which the public consultation on the Draft Framework Guidelines on Interoperability Rules for European Gas Transmission Networks will be presented and stakeholders’ views will be collected.
The Framework Guidelines on Interoperability Rules for European Gas Transmission Networks aim at improving the inter-operation of the gas systems in the European Union.
The Draft Framework Guidelines to be discussed in the Workshop defines the possible building blocks for these Framework Guidelines. These Framework Guidelines pursuant to Article 8 (6) (e) may cover or be interlinked with areas pursuant to Article 8 (6), (d), (f), (g) and (j) of Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009.
The public consultation is open since 16 March 2012 and will last until 16 May 2012. The public consultation paper contains a set of questions that stakeholders may answer by e-mail, preferably before the workshop, to help streamline the discussions. Answers after the workshop will be also accepted, but not later than 16 May 2012, 12.00 noon, Central European Time.
The workshop will take place in Ljubljana on Monday 23 April 2012, from 12:30 to 16.00, Central European Time.